Term Offered: Winter

Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL)

YCDSB TESL PRACTICUM CERTIFICATE PROGRAM INFORMATION Thank you for your interest in the YCDSB TESL Practicum Certificate program! This program has been established by the York Catholic District School Board’s Continuing Education Department to assist you in developing the knowledge and skills to become a certified ESL professional through practicum opportunities. The YCDSB has extensive … Continue reading “Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL)”

Elementary Saturday International Languages – Online and In-Person – Grades JK to 8

The International Languages program is funded by the Ontario Ministry of Education and is intended for students who wish to learn a new language, preserve their own language or enhance their intercultural awareness. During the 2024-25 school year, there will be a consumable fee of $30 for in-person classes. Decisions to run courses are based … Continue reading “Elementary Saturday International Languages – Online and In-Person – Grades JK to 8”